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To bring the unity and love of Jesus Christ to all who enter through Olive Branch A.M.E. Church's doors.
Teach the word of God to the modern saints of Jesus through preaching, ministry, and local outreach
We serve the community of Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina 


Our History

One of the oldest churches in Mount Pleasant, Olive Branch A.M.E. Church just celebrated its 150th birthday. Dating back to its inception on March 23, 1870.

In 1816, the African Methodist Episcopal Church was founded by Richard Allen and Absalom Jones. Shortly afterwards, the African Methodist Episcopal Church came into existence in South Carolina. The African Methodist Episcopal Church returned to the South in 1863 with the Bishop Daniel Alexander Payne as Presiding Prelate.


In 1865, during the same year as the abolishment of slavery in the United States, the South Carolina Conference became one of the largest conferences of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The conference oversaw the Mount Pleasant District, which included Olive Branch.

In 1910 the Palmetto Conference was established. Olive Branch became part of what was known as the Mount Pleasant Circuit.


The property which became Olive Branch was purchased from John and Ann Hamlin, owners of a plantation adjacent to what became the church. The purchase date is noted to have been March 23, 1870 in Christ Church Parish. The property is bound on the North and West by Willock, on the east by Georgetown and Mathis Ferry Roads, on the South by Georgetown Highway.

Trustees during the purchase were: J.W. Venning, Robert Curtis, Jacob Swinton, Sires Howard, Lot McNeil, David Dyall, Charles F. North and Mingo Ward.

Rev. John Graham was the minister in charge at the time. Graham erected a pole building at first and around 1885, a board building was erected. Olive Branch began a circuit and shared the following pastors with Goodwill AME Church: J.B. Greer, Jack Singleton, F.E. Rivers, W.F. McBrown, M.A. Hollings, A.C. Brown, E.E. Jones, S.S. Bruington, William Taylor, W.P. Carolina, C. Lindsey, C.S.T. Mollette, W.T. Murray, E.P. Butler, William Jackson and J.J. Taylor.


Services were held at Olive Branch on the first and third Sundays and at Goodwill AMEC, our sister church on the second and fourth Sundays.


The congregation at both churches grew rapidly. To fulfill the spiritual needs of each congregation each church was assigned their own pastor. In 1962, Rev. JJ Taylor was appointed to Olive Branch and served until he was transferred to Goodwill AMEC in 1970.


Over The Years

Over the past 50 years there have been eight changes in pastoral leadership. The following is a timeline from the early 70s to present day:


Rev. James Brown (1970-73)

Rev. Dr. Louis Osbourne Johnson (1973-94)

Rev. Charles C. McLamore (1994-96)

Rev. Jonathan Jerome Baker (1996-2001)

Rev. Daniel L. Simmons (2001-03)

Rev. Frank Madison Moses (2003-11)

Rev. Dr. Harry L. Wilson (2011-14)

Rev. Richard C.K. Harkness (2014-present)

Our Pastor


Olive Branch A.M.E. Church has been pastored by Reverend Richard Harkness since November 2014.

Originally born in Abbeville, he and his family moved in his early childhood and became members of an AME church in Columbia. This is when Harkness found his calling as a pastor. Since being assigned to pastorate Olive Branch, Harkness said he’s never been part of such a congregation that has such an active commitment from 70-years-old and older.


Harkness established various ministries within Olive Branch.

Those ministries are as follows:

  • 10 Most Wanted Ministry

  • Golden Heirs Ministry

  • Media Ministry

  • Singles Ministry

  • Young Adult Ministry

  • Noon Day Bible Study

  • Youth Ministry

  • Afternoon Tutorial Program

  • Fourth Sunday


Harkness is a strong believer in bringing all Christians together despite race, in the wake of the mass shooting that claimed the lives of nine African- Americans during an evening Bible study at Mother Emanuel AME Church on June 17, 2015. He had been pastor at Olive Branch for only seven months when the tragedy struck. Long time friends with the late Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, senior pastor at Mother Emanuel and representative of S.C. Senate’s 45th District, Olive Branch hung a permanent banner in their fellowship hall to honor and memorialize the “Emanuel Nine.”

“It’s been an honor to be a pastor of a church that has that type of legacy where it as been a vital congregation in the past and it continues to be a vital congregation currently,” Harkness said. “I’m looking forward to the continued growth and expansion, not only physically be spiritually.”

Our Ministries
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Sunbeam/Youth Choir

Using the ministry of music to  help enhance and uplift the word of God
4th Saturday of the Month
11:30 AM

The Golden Heirs Senior Ministry

Promoting the health, dignity,  rights, and quality of life for Seniors
every Thursday -
Via Zoom
11:00 AM

Pantry Ministry

Serve all communities by  distributing food from Pawley's Island to Cooper River Bridge, Serve Schools and surrounding churches 
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Hospitality Committee

Prepare for home going services  
Meet as needed
Image by Aleks Marinkovic

Junior Ushers

In charge of Service, Guard Doors,  Make sure people are seated and have bulletin. Help to keep down noise during service.
1st Sunday of the month
Image by Aaron Burden

Senior Ushers

In charge of Service, Guard Doors,  Make sure people are seated and have bulletin. Help to keep down noise during service.
2nd Sunday of the month

Male Choir

Worship and Praise God through Songs Hymns and Spiritual Songs 
3rd Tuesday of the Month

L.O Johnson Choir

Worship and Praise God through Songs Hymns and Spiritual Songs
2nd Tuesday of the Month
Gospel Choir

Senior Choir


Gospel Choir

Worship and Praise God through  Songs Hymns and Spiritual Songs
2nd Sunday
of the Month

Trustee Board

Manage the temporal concerns of the church. To include maintenance and repair of all real estate, churches, parsonage, school and any other property obtained by the church.
2nd Monday of the Month
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Class Leaders

Oversee members in their class,  Call and visit the sick member in their class.
Every 3 months
Image by Matheus Ferrero

Church School

Teach, train, nurture, prepare and recruit adults and children in God’s work for Christian service, emphasizing  those Christian principles which are essential for effective Christian growth and participation. This teaching and training shall be designed to prepare them for and assist them with effective living and Christian leadership in changing society.    
Sundays 9am – 10:15am
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Stewardess Board#1

To care for the altar through  cleaning, changing the altar garments., Preparing of communion altar clothes, preparing Love Feast
2nd Tuesday of the Month
Image by Debby Hudson

Stewardess Board#2

To care for the altar through  cleaning, changing the altar garments., Preparing of communion altar clothes, preparing Love Feast
4th Sunday of the Month
Image by Tim Wildsmith

Stewardess Board#3

To care for the altar through  cleaning, changing the altar garments., Preparing of communion altar clothes, preparing Love Feast
3rd Saturday of the month
Image by Joshua Eckstein

Wilson-Green WMS

Sharing the gospel through  visiting the sick, attending various meetings throughout the year, distributing food and clothes and other items to those in need 
2nd Saturday of the month
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Daughters of Sarah

Our focus addresses social and community issues facing women in all areas, especially in the church.

Our focus also includes the involvement of younger women and women who do not actively participate in other auxiliaries of the church. 

3rd Tuesday of the Month
6:30:00 PM

Young Peoples’ Department

Youth Organization
Saturday before the fourth Sunday
10:00:00 AM

No Limit
Youth Ministry (NLYM)

Our mission is

to reach, teach, and train youth to: Honor God and Authority, Discover their Gifts and Talents, Make Positive Connections, Respect Everyone, especially Peers, and Grow for God’s Glory

click here to visit our facebook page for more info


Every month


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